Analog Display Services Interface (ADSI)

(last updated: 16-May-2015 09:31)

Technical Specifications

  1. Bellcore GR-1273-CORE, Analog Display Services Interface (ADSI) SPCS/Server Generic Requirements.
  2. Bellcore GR-2939-CORE, SPCS/Server Generic Requirements for the Next Generation of the Analog Display Services Interface (ADSI++).

Periodical Articles

  1. "The Analog Display Services Interface", ICM 31:4 Apr 1993 pgs 70-75.
  2. "ADSI: The Dawn of a New Age of Interactive Services", Telesis No. 97 Dec 1993 pgs 34-50.
  3. "ADSI Phones and Services Face Chicken-Egg Dilemma", AN 99:4 Feb 15 1995 pgs 42-44.