Android Operating System

(last updated: 17-May-2015 10:35)

See also section on "Mobile Apps Development".


  1. Android Programming Unleashed; B. M. Harwani; Sams, 2012.
  2. Android Security Internals: An In-Depth Guide to Android's Security Architecture; Nikolay Elenkov; No Starch Press, 2014.
  3. Better Android: Higher Quality Apps from Design to Development; Chris Neugebauer, Paris Buttfield-Addison and Jon Manning; O'Reilly, to be published Nov-2015.
  4. Learning Andoid; Marko Gargenta; O'Reilly, 2011.
  5. Learning Android: Develop Mobile Apps Using Java and Eclipse, Second Edition; Marko Gargenta and Masumi Nakamura; O'Reily, 2014.

Web Pages and Websites

  1. Wikipedia article "Android (operating system)".