Automatic Number Identification (ANI)

(last updated: 16-May-2015 09:31)

Periodical Articles

  1. "ANI and the Caller's Right to Anonymity", BCR 18:5 Sep-Oct 1988 pgs 75-78.
  2. "ANI is the Key to Unlock Advanced Network Services", Telephony 215:20 Nov 14 1988 pgs 64-68.
  3. "The Six Flavors of Calling Number Identification", BCR 18:6 Nov-Dec 1988 pgs 64-68.
  4. "The Potential for ANI", TE&M 93:5 Mar 1 1989 pgs 44-45.
  5. "ANI Triggers Privacy Legislation", BCR 19:6 Jun 1989 pgs 58-60.