Echo Suppressors and Echo Cancellers

(last updated: 16-May-2015 09:31)


  1. Telecommunications Transmission Engineering, Volume 2 - Facilities, First Edition; 1977; AT&T Bell System Center for Technical Education (Section 4-6: Echo Suppressors).

Periodical Articles and Conference Papers

  1. "Echo and Its Effects on the Telephone User", BLR 32:8 Aug 1954 pgs 281-284.
  2. "A New Echo Suppressor", BLR 44:4 Apr 1966 pgs 139-142.
  3. "Echo Suppression", Lenkurt Demodulator 15:8 Aug 1966 pgs 1-6.
  4. "An Adaptive Echo Canceller", BSTJ 46:3 Mar 1967 pgs 497-511.
  5. "Controlling Echo in the Bell System", BLR 47:7 Aug 1969 pgs 233-238.
  6. "Checking Echo Suppressors", BLR 48:3 Mar 1970 pgs 80-84.
  7. "New Rules for Echo Suppressors in the DDD Network", BLR 52:11 Dec 1974 pgs 351-357.
  8. "Echo Performance of Toll Telephone Connections in the United States", BSTJ 54:2 Feb 1975.
  9. "Echo Suppressor Terminal for No. 4 ESS", ICC'76.
  10. "Improving Transmission on Domestic Satellite Circuits", BLR 55:8 Sep 1977 pgs 202-207.
  11. "A Twelve-Channel Digital Echo Canceler", ITC COM-26:5 May 1978 pgs 647-652.
  12. "Suppressing Echoes Digital Style", BLR 56:6 Jun 1978 pgs 142-146.
  13. "Performance and Features of a Single-Chip VLSI Echo Canceler", NTC'79.
  14. "A Single-Chip VLSI Echo Canceler", BSTJ 59:2 Feb 1980 pgs 149-160.
  15. "Echo Canceler Improves Satellite Communications", BLR 58:3 Mar 1980 pg B.
  16. "Silencing Echoes on the Telephone Network", PIEEE 68:8 Aug 1980.
  17. "Modern Telephone Echo Control Devices", TNAE 15:3 Mar 1981 pgs 82-84.
  18. "Silencing Echoes on Satellite Circuits", BLR 60:1 Jan 1982 pgs 2-6.
  19. "Echo Cancellation in Speech and Data Transmission", IJSAC SAC-2:2 Mar 1984 pgs 283-297.
  20. "A Cascadable VLSI Echo Canceller", IJSAC SAC-2:2 Mar 1984 pgs 297-303.
  21. "Echo Cancellation Algorithms", IEEE ASSP Magazine Apr 1984.
  22. "Taking A Big Bite Out of Bits", BLR 62:6 Aug 1984 pgs 4-8.
  23. "Echo Cancellation for High-Speed Dial-Up Applications: Part I", TNAE 22:1 Jan 1988 pgs - .
  24. "Echo Cancellation for High-Speed Dial-Up Applications: Part II", TNAE 22:2 Feb 1988 pgs 83-87, 96.
  25. "Digital Echo Cancellation: A Tutorial", TNAE 25:9 Sep 1991 pgs 37-44.
  26. "Echo Cancellation Has New Role In Modern Digital Networks", AN 99:12 Jun 15 1995 pgs 72-73.

Web Pages and Websites

  1. Wikipedia article "Echo suppression and cancellation".