GTE C-1 Electronic Automatic Exchange (C-1 EAX)

(last updated: 16-May-2015 09:31)

Periodical Articles and Conference Papers

  1. "E-A-X (Electronic Automatic Exchange) for the Small Central Office", AETJ 10:7 Jul 1967 pgs 276-285.
  2. "C-1 E-A-X Electronic Automatic Exchange for 2400 Lines and Trunks", ICSTTN pgs 81-87.
  3. "Field Experience with the C-1 EAX", AETJ 11:7 Jul 1969 pgs 274-283.
  4. "Field Experience with C-1 EAX", ITCT COM-18:2 Apr 1970 pgs 85-89.
  5. "C1-EAX Software and Real-Time Considerations in a Small Stored Program Switching Machine", ISS'72 pgs 577-584.
  6. "C-1 EAX - System Expansion", ICC'73 pgs 29/1-29/6 (also COSW pgs 89-96).
  7. "C-1 EAX: Modular Common Control", ICC'73.
  8. "C-1 EAX Expanded", AETJ 13:8 Oct 1973 pg 408.