C++ Compilers/Development Environments for IBM-Compatible PCs

(last updated: 16-May-2015 09:31)


Periodical Articles

  1. "C Inherits Inheritance: A Handful of C++ Tools", CL 5:5 May 1988 pgs 89-93.
  2. "MS-DOS C++ Compilers" (product reviews of 5 MS-DOS based C++ compilers), CL 7:10 Oct 1990 pgs 91-112.
  3. "Battle of the Heavyweights" (review of Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 vs. Borland C++ 3.0), BYTE 17:3 Mar 1992 pgs 39-40.
  4. "C/C++ Compilers: One-Box Development Systems" (product reviews), PCM 11:13 Jul 1992 pgs 371-405.
  5. "Entry-Level C/C++ Compilers", PCM 11:13 Jul 1992 pgs 405-412.
  6. "C++: New Package, New Power" (product reviews of 10 C++ compilers), PCM 13:6 Mar 29 1994 pgs 185-225.
  7. "C++ Programming: Significant Development" (product reviews), PCM 14:7 Apr 11 1995 pgs 205-242.
  8. "C++ Windows 95 Update", PCM 14:17 Oct 10 1995 pgs 305-336.
  9. "Compiling Convenience +" (reviews of 5 C++ compilers), BYTE 21:3 Mar 1996 pgs 109-112.
  10. "C++ Adapted for RAD" (product reviews), PCM 16:3 Feb 4 1997 pgs 189-218.

Borland C++, ObjectWindows Library (OWL); Borland C++ Builder


  1. Advanced OWL 5.0: Power Tools for OWL Programmers; Ted Neward; Manning Publications, 1998.
  2. Borland C++ 5.0: Migrating from C to OWL; Leonard Dorfman; Manning/Prentice Hall.
  3. Borland C++ Builder Programming; Jim Mischel and Jeff Duntemann; Coriolis Group Books, 1997.
  4. Borland C++ In Depth (Covers Version 5); William H. Murray III and Chris H. Pappas; McGraw-Hill, 1996.
  5. Borland C++ 4 Developer's Guide; Nabajyoti Barkakati; Sams Publishing, 1994.
  6. Borland C++ 5 for Dummies, 2nd Edition; Michael Hyman and Robert Arnson; IDG Books.
  7. Borland C++ 4.0 Object-Oriented Programming; Marco Cantu and Steve Tendon; Borland Press.
  8. Borland C++ 5 Programming; Bruneau Babet; M&T Books.
  9. Borland C++ Programming for Windows; Peter Norton and Paul Yao; Borland Bantam Books, 1992.
  10. Borland C++ 4.0 Programming for Windows; Paul Yao; Borland Press/Random House, 1994.
  11. Borland C++ 5.0 Unleashed; Sams Development Group; Sams Publishing/Borland Press, 1996.
  12. Charlie Calvert's Borland C++ Builder Unleashed; Charles Calvert; Sams Publishing, 1997.
  13. Core OWL 5.0: OWL Internals for Advanced Programmers; Ted Neward; Manning Publications, 1998.
  14. Database Developer's Guide to Borland C++ 5; Scott Walker and Mike Cohn; Sams Publishing/Borland Press, 1996.
  15. Developing Windows Applications with Borland C++ 3; James W, McCord; Howard W. Sams, 1992.
  16. High Performance Borland C++ Builder; Matt Telles; Coriolis Group Books, 1997.
  17. High Performance Borland C++ Builder, Second Edition; Matt Telles; Coriolis Group Books, 1997.
  18. Learning C++, A Hands-On Approach with Borland C++; Eric P. Nagler; West Educational Publishing.
  19. ObjectWindows 2.0 Programming; Tom Swan, Robert Arnson, and Marco Cantu; Borland Press, 1994.
  20. Teach Yourself Borland C++ 4.5 In 21 Days, Second Edition; Namir Clement Shammas, Craig Arnush, and Edward Mulroy; Sams Publishing, 1995.
  21. Teach Yourself Borland C++ 5 in 21 Days, Third Edition; Craig Arnush; Sams Publishing/Borland Press, 1996.
  22. Teach Yourself Borland C++ Builder in 21 Days; Kent Reisdorph and Ken Henderson; Sams Publishing, 1997.
  23. Teach Yourself OWL Programming in 21 Days; Ian Spencer; Sams Publishing, 1995.
  24. Tom Swan's Mastering Borland C++ 4.5, Second Edition; Tom Swan; Sams Premier, 1995.
  25. Tom Swan's Borland C++ 5; Tom Swan; Sams Publishing, 1996.
  26. Using Borland C++ 4, Special Edition; Paul J. Perry, Namir Clement Shammas, Lee Atkinson, and Mark Atkinson; QUE Corporation, 1994.
  27. Using Borland C++ 4.5, Special Edition; Steve Potts and Clayton Walnum; QUE Corporation, 1994.
  28. Using Borland C++ 5, Special Edition; Paul Kimmel; Que Publishing, 1996.
  29. Using Turbo C++; Herbert Schildt; Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1990.
  30. Windows Graphics Programming with Borland/C++; John Wiley & Sons.


  1. Manuals for Borland C++ Version 4.5:
           -  Quick Tour.
           -  User's Guide.
           -  Programmer's Guide.
           -  Library Reference.
           -  Class Libraries Guide.
           -  DOS Reference.
           -  Turbo Debugger User's Guide.
           -  Turbo Profiler User's Guide.
           -  Quick Reference Card.
  2. Manuals for Borland ObjectWindows Version 2.5:
           -  Tutorial.
           -  Programmer's Guide.
           -  Reference Guide.
           -  Class Hierarchy Chart.
  3. Borland C++ 5 Resource Kit, Sams Publishing/Borland Press, 1996
    Book One: Borland C++ User's Guide.
  4. Borland C++ 5 Resource Kit, Sams Publishing/Borland Press, 1996
    Book Two: Borland C++ Programmer's Guide.
  5. Borland C++ 5 Resource Kit, Sams Publishing/Borland Press, 1996
    Book Three: Borland ObjectWindows Programmer's Guide.
  6. Borland C++ 5 Resource Kit, Sams Publishing/Borland Press, 1996
    Book Four: Borland C++ Language Reference.
  7. Borland C++ 5 Resource Kit, Sams Publishing/Borland Press, 1996
    Book Five: Borland ObjectWindows Reference.
  8. Borland C++ 5.0 Development Suite Manuals:
             Borland C++ Quick Tour and Quick Reference (Version 5).
             Borland Quick Tour (Version 4.5).
             Borland ObjectScripting Programmer's Guide (Version 5).
             Borland C++ and Database Tools Getting Started (Version 4.5).
             Borland CodeGuard 32/16 for Borland C++ 5 User's Guide (Version 5).

Periodical Articles

  1. "Borland Braves C++ Frontier As Turbo C 3.0 Enters Beta", PC Week 7:5 Feb 5 1990 pgs 1, 6.
  2. "Turbo C++ Delivers Power To Programmers", PC Week 7:19 May 14 1990 pgs 1, 8.
  3. "Borland Defines Strategy for C, C++ Compilers", PC Week 7:19 May 14 1990 pg 8.
  4. "Bringing C++ to the Mainstream", BYTE 15:7 Jul 1990 pgs 110-111.
  5. "Turbo C++: Everything You Always Wanted in a C Compiler and More", PCM 9:14 Aug 1990 pg 36.
  6. "Collections in Turbo C++", DDJ 15:8 Aug 1990 pgs 94-101.
  7. "Object-Oriented C That Goes VROOMM" (product review of Turbo C++), BYTE 15:10 Oct 1990 pgs 186-189.
  8. "Borland Puts Windows Power into C++ Package", PC Week 8:2 Jan 14 1991 pg 4.
  9. "Borland's Heftier C++ Now Does Windows, Too", PCM 10:8 Apr 30 1991 pg 42.
  10. "Borland C++ 2.0 Moves into Windows Territory", BYTE 16:6 Jun 1991 pgs 301-302.
  11. "Developers, Users Gain Control with Borland's Windows Tools", PC Week 8:37 Sep 16 1991 pgs 1, 8.
  12. "Borland Asserts Leadership with a Trio of New C++ Compilers", PCM 11:2 Jan 28 1992 pgs 42-44.
  13. "Borland Adds Full Windows Support to C++ Compiler" (Borland C++ Version 3.1), PCM 11:15 Sep 15 1992 pg 46.
  14. "Borland Targets Windows Developers with Latest C++ Release", BYTE 17:12 Nov 1992 pgs 253-254.
  15. "New Borland C++ Builds 32-Bit OS/2 Applications", PCM 12:12 Jun 29 1993 pg 49.
  16. "C++ Application Frameworks", PCM 13:3 Feb 8 1994 pgs 295-299.
  17. "Borland C++ 4.0: Tools for Building 16- and 32-Bit Apps", PCM 13:4 Feb 22 1994 pg 40.
  18. "Borland's 32-Bit C++ Suite Boasts Powerful New Tools", PCM 15:9 May 14 1996 pg 51.
  19. First Looks review of Borland C++ Builder 1.0, PCM 16:9 May 6 1997 pgs 70-73.

Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)


  1. Advanced Visual C++ 4; Steve Holzner; M & T Books, 1996.
  2. Beginning Visual C++ 4; Ivor Horton; Wrox Press Ltd., 1996.
  3. Developing Professional Applications for Windows 95 and NT Using MFC, Second Edition; Marshall Brain and Lance Lovette; Prentice Hall, 1997.
  4. Essential Visual C++ 4; Mickey Williams; Sams Publishing, 1995.
  5. Extending the MFC Library; David A. Schmitt; Addison-Wesley Developer's Press, 1996.
  6. Fast Track Visual C++ 6.0 Programming; Steve Holzner; John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
  7. Inside Visual C++ Third Edition; David J. Kruglinski; Microsoft Press.
  8. Inside Visual C++: The Standard Reference for Programming with Microsoft Visual C++ Version 4; David J. Kruglinski; Microsoft Press, 1996.
  9. Inside Visual C++, Fourth Edition (for Visual C++ 5.0); David J. Kruglinski; Microsoft Press, 1997.
  10. Intermediate MFC (Covers Visual C++ 5.0); Vic Broquard; Prentice Hall, 1998.
  11. Introduction to Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition; Ivor Horton; Wrox Press, 1998 (not available for direct purchase; ships with Standard Edition of Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0).
  12. Learn the MFC C++ Classes; Shirley Wodtke; Wordware Publishing, 1997.
  13. Learn Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Now; Chuck Sphar; Microsoft Press, 1999.
  14. Learn Visual C++ Now; Mark Andrews; Microsoft Press.
  15. Mastering Microsoft Visual C++ 4, Second Edition; Michael J. Young; SYBEX, 1996.
  16. Mastering Visual C++ 6; Michael J. Young; Sybex.
  17. The MFC Answer Book: Solutions for Effective Visual C++ Applications; Eugene Kain; Addison-Wesley, 1998.
  18. MFC Developer's Workshop; Frank Crockett with Jocelyn Garner; Microsoft Press, 1997.
  19. MFC Internals: Inside the Microsoft Foundation Class Architecture; George Shepherd and Scot Wingo; Addison Wesley Developers Press, 1996.
  20. MFC Programming; Alan R. Feuer; Addison-Weseley Developer's Press, 1997.
  21. Microsoft Visual C++ Version 2.0: The Six-Volume Documentation Collection for Microsoft Visual C++ Version 2.0 for Win32, Microsoft Press:
             Microsoft Visual C++: The Users Guide.
             Programming with MFC and Win32.
             Microsoft Foundation Class Library Reference.
             Microsoft Visual C++ Language Reference.
             Microsoft Visual C++ Run-Time Library Reference.
             Microsoft OLE Control Developers Kit.
  22. Microsoft Visual C++ (Version 4 for Win32) User's Guide Set, Microsoft Press, 1995:
             Volume 1: Microsoft Visual C++ User's Guide.
             Volume 2: Microsoft Visual C++ Programming with MFC.
             Volume 3: Microsoft Foundation Class Library Reference Part 1.
             Volume 4: Microsoft Foundation Class Library Reference Part 2.
             Volume 5: Microsoft Visual C++ Run-Time Library Reference.
             Volume 6: Microsoft Visual C++ Language Reference.
  23. Microsoft Visual C++ Version 5.0 Programmers Reference set; Microsoft Press, 1997:
             Volume 1: Microsoft Visual C++ MFC Library Reference, Part 1.
             Volume 2: Microsoft Visual C++ MFC Library Reference, Part 2.
             Volume 3: Microsoft Visual C++ Run-Time Library Reference.
             Volume 4: Microsoft Visual C++ Language Reference.
  24. Microsoft Visual C++ Owner's Manual, Version 5.0; Beck Zaratian; Microsoft Press, 1997.
  25. Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Programmer's Guide; Beck Zaratian; Microsoft Press, 1998.
  26. Microsoft C/C++ Run-Time Library Reference, Second Edition (Covers Version 7), Microsoft Press, 1992.
  27. Microsoft Foundation Class 4 Bible; Fred Pandolfi, Mike Oliver, and Michael Wolski; Waite Group Press, 1996.
  28. Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Primer; Keith Gurganus and Danny Alexander; AP Professional, 1994.
  29. Professional MFC with Visual C++ 5; Mike Blaszczak; Wrox Press, 1997.
  30. Professional MFC with Visual C++ 6; Mike Blaszczak; Wrox Press, 1999.
  31. Programming with MFC for Windows 95; Vic Broquard; Prentice Hall, 1996.
  32. Programming Microsoft Visual C++, Fifth Edition; David J. Kruglinski, George Shepherd, and Scot Wingo; Microsoft Press, 1998.
  33. Programming Windows 95 with MFC; Jeff Prosise; Microsoft Press, 1996.
  34. Programming Windows with MFC, Second Edition; Jeff Prosise; Microsoft Press, 1999.
  35. The Revolutionary Guide to Win32 Programming Using Visual C++; Mike Blaszcak; Wrox Press Ltd., 1996.
  36. Special Edition Using Visual C++ 6; Kate Gregory; Que.
  37. Teach Yourself MFC in 21 Days; Robert Shaw and Dan Osier; Sams Publishing, 1995.
  38. Teach Yourself Visual C++ 4 in 21 Days; Ori Gurewich and Nathan Gurewich; Sams Publishing, 1996.
  39. Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days; Davis Chapman; Sams Publishing.
  40. Visual C++ 2.0: A Developer's Guide; Alex Leavens; M&T Books, 1995.
  41. Visual C++ 2: Developing Professional Applications in Windows 95 and NT Using MFC; Marshall Brain and Lance Lovette; Prentice Hall, 1995.
  42. Visual C++ 4 MasterClass; Ken Ramirez, Andrew Evans, Scott Wingo, Sing Li, Julian Templeman, Rafael Fiol, Andrew Yuen, Saud Alshibani, and Dave Gillet; Wrox Press, 1997.
  43. Visual C++ 4 Unleashed; Viktor Toth; Sams Publishing, 1996.
  44. Windows Programming: Under the Hood of MFC; Laura B. Draxler; Prentice Hall, 1998.
  45. Windows 95 and NT Programming with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library; William H. Murray and Chris H. Pappas; AP Professional, 1996.

Periodical Articles

  1. "Microsoft C/C++ 7.0: Catching Up to Borland in the Compiler Race", PCM 11:11 Jun 16 1992 pg 54.
  2. "Owner-Drawn Push Buttons: Simple as M-F-C", PCM 14:4 Feb 21 1995 pgs 247-253.
  3. "Visual C++ Goes Multiplatform", BYTE 20:4 Apr 1995 pgs 167-168.
  4. "Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0", PCM 14:19 Nov 7 1995 pg 312.
  5. "Visual C++ 4.0 Makes Windows Development Faster and Easier", PCM 15:5 Mar 12 1996 pg 66.
  6. "Reusable Binary Components: Building an OCX in Visual C++ with the OLE Control Wizard", PCM 15:5 Mar 12 1996 pgs 245-254.
  7. "Using Versionable Schemas in MFC 4.0", PCM 15:6 Mar 26 1996 pgs 205-207.
  8. "Build Reusable MFC Control Classes", PCM 15:9 May 14 1996 pgs 227-236.
  9. "Building Applications with Visual C++, Part 1", PCM 16:3 Feb 4 1997 pgs 229-230.
  10. "Building Applications with Visual C++, Part 2", PCM 16:4 Feb 18 1997 pgs 179-180.
  11. "Building Applications with Visual C++, Part 3", PCM 16:5 Mar 4 1997 pgs 229-230.
  12. "Building Applications with Visual C++, Part 4", PCM 16:6 Mar 25 1997 pgs 317-326.
  13. "Building Applications with Visual C++, Part 5", PCM 16:7 Apr 8 1997 pgs 273-274.
  14. First Looks review of Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0, Enterprise Edition; PCM 16:9 May 6 1997 pg 70.
  15. "Power MFC Programming", PCM 16:9 May 6 1997 pgs 237-240.
  16. "Customizing MFC Applications", PCM 16:10 May 27 1997 pgs 210-212.
  17. "Building MFC Extension DLLs in Visual C++", PCM 16:15 Sep 9 1997 pgs 269-272.
  18. "Building Automation Hierarchies with MFC, Part 1", PCM 16:17 Oct 7 1997 pgs 271-278.
  19. "Building Automation Hierarchies with MFC, Part 2", PCM 16:18 Oct 21 1997 pgs 271-278.
  20. "Reading Visual C++ Browser Files", PCM 17:2 Jan 20 1998 pgs 238-240.
  21. "Single-Instance Automation Servers and MFC", PCM 17:4 Feb 24 1998 pgs 225-227.
  22. "The Most Powerful C++ For Windows Yet?" (Visual C++ 6.0 Enterprise Edition), PCM 18:2 Jan 19 1999 pgs 215-218.

Symantec (Previously Zortech) C++


  1. Mastering the MFC for Windows 95 Using Symantec C++; Richard O. Parker; International Thomson Computer Press, 1997.

Periodical Articles

  1. "Zortech Ships First C++ Compiler; Includes ANSI C Compiler and Proprietary Graphics", PCM 7:18 Oct 31 1988 pg 38.
  2. "A C++ Toolkit" [review of Zortech C++], BYTE 13:12 Nov 1988 pgs 223-227.
  3. "Zortech's C++", The C Users Journal 7:8 Nov 1989 pg 88.
  4. "Zortech C++ 2.0 Developer's Edition Brings Programmers Up to Speed - Fast", PCM 9:5 Mar 13 1990 pg 38.
  5. "Getting a Handle on Virtual Memory", DDJ 15:5 May 1990 pgs - .
  6. "C++, Plus", BYTE 15:7 Jul 1990 pgs 186-191.
  7. "Zortech 386 C++", The Connection 4:4 Fall '90 pgs 16, 135.
  8. "Zortech's DOS 386 C++: A Speedy and Powerful Compiler", PCM 10:11 Jun 11 1991 pg 71.
  9. "Multiplatform C++ from One Box" (review of Zortech C++ 3.0), BYTE 16:8 Aug 1991 pg 62.
  10. "Symantec Buys Zortech To Vie in C++ Market", PC Week 8:33 Aug 19 1991 pgs 1, 8.
  11. "Head to Head, Zortech C++ Outshines Intel's Code Builder", PCM 10:19 Nov 12 1991 pgs 44, 46.
  12. "Symantec C++ 7.0" [product review], BYTE 20:7 Jul 1995 pg 132DM3.
  13. "Symantec C++ 7.0 Leads the Race for Faster Applications", PCM 14:14 Aug 1995 pgs 50-51.
  14. "Symantec C++ Differences" [Symantec C++ 7.2], BYTE 20:12 Dec 1995 pgs 183-184.


  1. Manual for Zortech C++ Compiler (Second Printing), Zortech Limited, 1988.
  2. Documentation for Zortech C++ Compiler V 2.0, Zortech Incorporated, 1989:
           - Compiler Reference, 1989.
           - Function Reference, 1989.
           - Technical Notes.
           - Installation Guide, 1989.
  3. Manual for Zortech C++ Tools V 2.0, Zortech Incorporated, 1989.
  4. Manual for Zortech V2.0 C++ Debugger, Zortech Incorporated, 1989.
  5. Documentation for Zortech C++ Compiler V3.0 Developer's Edition, Zortech Limited, 1991:
           - Installation Guide.
           - Compiler Guide.
           - Function Reference.
           - C++ Tools.
           - Windows Programming Tools.
           - Microsoft Windows Function Reference.

Watcom C++

Periodical Articles

  1. "Watcom C/C++ Gets a New Face", BYTE 19:10 Oct 1994 pgs 153-156.

IBM VisualAge for C++


  1. Object-Oriented Application Development with VisualAge for C++ for OS/2; Marc Carrell-Billiard, Peter Jakab, Isabelle Mauny, and Rainer Vetter; Prentice Hall, 1995.
  2. Power GUI Programming with VisualAge for C++; Hiroshi Tsuji, Bob Love, William Law, and Bruce Olson; John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
  3. Programming with VisualAge for C++ for Windows; Marc Carrel-Billiard, Michael Friess, and Isabelle Mauny; Prentice Hall, 1995.
  4. VisualAge for C++ Visual Programmer's Handbook; Dale R. Nilsson and Peter M. Jakab; Prentice Hall, 1997.

Periodical Articles

  1. "VisualAge C++ for OS/2 Catches Up to Windows", PCM 14:16 Sep 26 1995 pg 48.