Hewlett-Packard SoftBench

(last updated: 16-May-2015 09:31)

Periodical Articles

  1. "The HP SoftBench Environment: An Architecture for a New Generation of Software Tools", HPJ 41:3 Jun 1990 pgs 36-47.
  2. "A New Generation of Software Development Tools", HPJ 41:3 Jun 1990 pgs 48-58.
  3. "HP Encapsulator: Bridging the Generation Gap", HPJ 41:3 Jun 1990 pgs 59-68.
  4. "SoftBench Message Connector: Customizing Software Development Tool Interactions", HPJ 45:3 Jun 1994.
  5. "SoftBench 5.0: The Evolution of an Integrated Software Development Environment", HPJ 48:1 Feb 1997.
  6. "The C++ SoftBench Class Editor", HPJ 48:1 Feb 1997.
  7. "The SoftBench Static Analysis Database", HPJ 48:1 Feb 1997.
  8. "CodeAdvisor: Rule-Based C++ Defect Detection Using a Static Database", HPJ 48:1 Feb 1997.
  9. "Using SoftBench to Integrate Heterogeneous Software Development Environments", HPJ 48:1 Feb 1997.

Web Pages and Websites

  1. Wikipedia article "Softbench".