Signaling System No. 7; ANSI SS7 Standards

(last updated: 16-May-2015 09:31)

See Also

  1. See sections on "ITU-T Q-Series Recommendations" and "ITU-T M-Series Recommendations" for ITU-T recommendations on SS7, including:
             Q.700 thru Q.788
             M.4100 and M.4110
  2. See section on "Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore) Documents" for Bellcore documents on SS7, including:
             GR-82-CORE:    STP Generic Requirements
             GR-246-CORE:   Bellcore Specification of SS7
             GR-310-CORE:   SEAS-STP Interface Spec: User Program Layer (UPL)
             GR-317-CORE:   Call Control Using ISUP
             GR-394-CORE:   IEC Interconnection Using ISUP
             TR-NWT-000444: ISDN Access Using ISUP
             TR-NWT-000489: Link Facility Fault Sectionalization
             GR-778-CORE:   SEAS-STP Gateway UPL
             GR-1087-CORE:  CCS Network Usage Measurement
             TR-NWT-001204: E-Links
             GR-1245-CORE:  Routing Verification Tests
             TR-NWT-001271: Manual Link Set Blocking
             GR-1272-CORE:  Gateway STP Local Message Screening Test
             TR-NWT-001372: Enhances SS7 Message Trapping Capabilities
             GR-1417-CORE:  Broadband Switching System SS7
             GR-2857-CORE:  SS7 Release to Pivot (RTP) Network Capability
             GR-2878-CORE:  ATM High-Speed Signaling Links
             GR-2946-CORE:  High Speed Signaling Links (HSLs)


  1. Carrier Grade Voice Over IP; Daniel Collins; McGraw-Hill, 2001 (Chapter 7: VoIP and SS7).
  2. CDMA Internetworking: Deploying the Open A-Interface; Su-Lin Low and Ron Schneider; Prentice Hall, 2000 (Chapter 2: Signaling System 7 Basics).
  3. Common Channel Signalling; R.J. Manterfield; Peter Peregrinus Ltd., 1991.
  4. ISDN: Concepts, Facilities, and Services, Third Edition; Gary C. Kessler and Peter Southwick; McGraw-Hill, 1996.
  5. ISDN and Broadband ISDN, Second Edition; William Stallings; Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.
  6. ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM, Third Edition; William Stallings; Prentice-Hall, 1995.
  7. ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM, Fourth Edition; William Stallings; Prentice Hall, 1998.
  8. ISDN and SS7: Architectures for Digital Signaling Networks; Uyless Black; Prentice Hall, 1997.
  9. Signaling System #7; Travis Russell; McGraw-Hill, 1995.
  10. Signaling System #7, Second Edition; Travis Russell; McGraw-Hill, 1998.
  11. Signaling System #7, Third Edition; Travis Russell; McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Periodical Articles and Conference Papers

  1. "An Operating Telephone Company View of CCIS vs. CCITT #7", NTC'80 paper 2.4.
  2. "Planning for the Application of CCITT No. 7 in the CCIS Network", NTC'80 paper 2.5.
  3. "Common Channel Signaling Based on CCITT System No. 7", TR 3:3 Sep 1980 pgs 192-199.
  4. "Reaching Into the Future with Stored Program Control", BLR 58:11 Dec 1980 pgs 386-393.
  5. "Common Channel Signaling Based on CCITT System No. 7", Telephony 200:6 Feb 9 1981 pgs 85-98.
  6. "Common Channel Signalling - An Introductory Review", TELE No. 2 1981 pgs 12-15.
  7. "Signalling Networks", TELE No. 2 1981 pgs 16-23.
  8. "Signalling System No. 7", TELE No. 2 1981 pgs 24-34.
  9. "CCITT Common Channel Signaling System No. 7 in the EWSD System", TRI 4: Special Issue 1981 pgs 35-39.
  10. "The Australia/Japan Field Trial of CCITT No. 7 Signalling", TJA 33:3 1983 pg 253.
  11. "Experience in the Implementation of the CCITT No. 7 Signalling System", 4th WTF paper 1.3.3.
  12. "An Introduction to the Integrated Services Digital Network User Part of the CCITT CCSS No. 7", TJA 34:2 1984 pgs 145-155.
  13. "The CCITT Signalling System No. 7 Field Trial Between Japan and Australia", ISS'84 paper 31B.1.
  14. "Testing Results from the Implementation of the CCITT No. 7 Signalling System", ISS'84 paper 31B.2.
  15. "Realization of Signaling System No. 7 in an ISDN", ISS'84 paper 31B.4.
  16. "Moving Toward CCITT No. 7 Common Channel Signalling", Telephony 207:2 Jul 9 1984 pgs 68-72.
  17. "Field Trial with CCITT No. 7 in Sweden", ER 61:4 1984 pgs 156-161.
  18. "Inside SS No. 7: A Detailed Look at ISDN's Signaling System Plan", DC Oct 1985 pgs 120-128.
  19. "An Overview of Signaling System No. 7", IJSAC SAC-4:3 May 1986 pgs 360-365.
  20. "Signaling System No. 7 ISDN User Part", IJSAC SAC-4:3 May 1986 pgs 366-371.
  21. "Signalling System 7", TNAE 20:9 Sep 1986 pgs 87-88, 108.
  22. "Realization of a Signaling System No. 7 Network for AT&T", IJSAC SAC-4:8 Nov 1986 pgs 1257-1261.
  23. "Common Channel Signaling: Keystone of the Intelligent Network", GTC'86 paper 50.1.
  24. "Exploiting the Power of Common Channel Signaling System No. 7: Network Capabilities and New Signaling Network Switching Technology", ISS'87 paper B.2.2.
  25. "Experience and Coming Development of CCITT No. 7", ISS'87 paper C3.4.
  26. "Planning Telecom Canada's Common Channel Signalling No. 7 Network", ISS'87 paper C.8.1.
  27. "CCITT No. 7 Common Channel Signalling in the French Telecommunications Network", ISS'87 paper C8.2.
  28. "Specification and Evolution of CCITT Signalling System No. 7", ISS'87 paper C.8.4.
  29. "AT&T Network Architecture Evolution", ATTJ 66:3 May/Jun 1987 pgs 2-12.
  30. "Common Channel Signaling Network Evolution", ATTJ 66:3 May/Jun 1987 pgs 13-20.
  31. "Status and Current Trends in the CCS7 Protocols", Cliff H.W. Lai, NCF'87 pgs 549-552.
  32. "BOC CCS Network - Architecture and Administration", Russell F. Arsaga, NCF'87 pgs 559-560.
  33. "Signaling Network Interconnection", Joseph E. Fergus, NCF'87 pgs 560-561.
  34. "Basics of Common Channel Signaling", Richard E. Heisey", NCF'87 pgs 562-566.
  35. "Evolution to an Intelligent Network", Jesse K. Rosen, NCF'87 pgs 571-574.
  36. "The Role of SS7 in Emerging Intelligent Networks", Thomas B. Morawski, NCF'87 pgs 634-639.
  37. "Network of the 90's", Telephony Oct 5 1987 pgs 46-50.
  38. "CCITT Signalling System No. 7 - The Backbone for Intelligent Network Services", GTC'87 paper 40.1.
  39. "Virtual Network Capabilities - The Next Phase of the 'Intelligent Network'", GTC'87 paper 40.2.
  40. "IBM Targets Telephony", Jeffery Kaplan, Network World, Nov 23 1987.
  41. "Field Experience with CCITT Number 7 Signaling in Alcatel E10 Exchanges", EC 62:2 1988 pgs 190-194.
  42. "Field Experience using CCITT No 7 Signaling with System 12 in Norway", EC 62:2 1988 pgs 195-201.
  43. "Extending Networks with Signaling System 7", BCR 18:5 Sep-Oct 1988 pgs 58-62.
  44. "Carriers Drive Network Toward SS7 Services in '88", Telephony 215:15B Oct 1988 (Telephony's Transmission Special) pg 11.
  45. "The Next Step in SS7", Telephony 215:15B Oct 1988 (Telephony's Transmission Special) pgs 24-25.
  46. "Getting the Best Deal on SS7", Telephony 215:18 Oct 31 1988 pgs 36-39.
  47. "Maintaining the CCS Network", TE&M 92:21 Nov 1 1988 pgs 78-80.
  48. "Knocking on Users' Doors: Signaling System 7", DC 18:2 Feb 1989 pgs 147-160.
  49. "Mastering SS7 Takes a Special Vocabulary", DC 18:2 Feb 1989 pgs 163-165.
  50. "Demystifying SS7 Architecture", TNAE 23:3 Mar 1989 pgs 41-48.
  51. "Intelligent Transport for SS7", TE&M 93:12 Jun 15 1989 pgs 56-60.
  52. "Will the Real SS7 Please Stand Up?", BCR 19:8 Aug 1989 pgs 24-28.
  53. "AT&T, Other Carriers To Open Up SS7 Networks", INN 1:9 Oct 1989 pgs 1-3.
  54. "Fitting SS7's Piece Parts Together", BCR 19:10 Oct 1989 pgs 28-32.
  55. "CCITT No. 7 Network as the Basis for Advanced Public Network Services", EC 63:4 1989 pgs 306-313.
  56. "Hard SS7 Facts to Follow", TE&M 93:22 Nov 15 1989 pgs 72-74.
  57. "SS7 Gateways Serve and Protect", Telephony 217:22 Nov 20 1989 pgs 39-44.
  58. "SS7 on the Fast Track", Telephony 217:22 Nov 20 1989 pgs 48-54.
  59. "The Building Block for the Intelligent Network", Telephony 217:22 Nov 20 1989 pgs 56-64.
  60. "Ameritech First with SS7 Links", Telephony 217:23A Nov 27 1989 pg 3.
  61. "The Long Road to SS7 and the Intelligent Network", BCR 19:12 Dec 1989 pgs 42-44.
  62. "Signaling System No. 7 a Success in Switzerland", TRI 13:2 Mar/Apr 1990 pgs 52-55.
  63. "STPs - The Network's Edge", Communications Week Apr 16 1990 pg 56.
  64. "Siemens is Next With Monolithic SS7 Chip", EDN (News Edition) May 17 1990 pgs 3, 69-70.
  65. "Signaling System No. 7: A Tutorial", ICM 28:7 Jul 1990 pgs 19-35.
  66. "The Role of ISDN Signaling in Global Networks", ICM 28:7 Jul 1990 pgs 36-43.
  67. "Performance Modeling of Signaling System No. 7", ICM 28:7 Jul 1990 pgs 44-56.
  68. "Common Channel Signaling: The Nexus of an Advanced Communications Network", ICM 28:7 Jul 1990 pgs 57-63.
  69. "Common Channel Signaling Interface for Local Exchange Carrier to Interexchange Carrier Interconnection", ICM 28:7 Jul 1990 pgs 64-71.
  70. "Signaling System No. 7 in Corporate Networks", ICM 28:7 Jul 1990 pgs 72-77.
  71. "Current Role and Future Evolution of the ISDN Signaling System in NTT's Network", ICM 28:7 Jul 1990 pgs 78-83.
  72. "Implementation of SS7: Italtel's Experience", ICM 28:7 Jul 1990 pgs 84-88.
  73. "Common Channel Signaling for International Service Applications", ICM 28:7 Jul 1990 pgs 89-92.
  74. "Error Control Criteria in the Message Transfer Part of CCITT Signaling System No. 7", ITC Sep 1990.
  75. "Putting SS7 to the Test", Telephony 219:13 Sep 17 1990 pgs 22-24.
  76. "SS7 Interconnection Awaits Green Light", Telephony's Transmission Special Nov 1990 pgs 32-34.
  77. "Relationship of the Signaling System No. 7 Protocol Architecture to the OSI Reference Model", IN Jan 1991 pgs 26-37.
  78. "Common Channel Signalling System Number 7 for ISDN and Intelligent Networks", PIEEE 79:2 Feb 1991 pgs 155-169.
  79. "Take the Right STePs", TE&M 95:5 Mar 1 1991 pgs 68-72.
  80. "Taming the SS7 Beast", Telephony 221:5 Jul 29 1991 pgs 16-19.
  81. "An Overview of Signaling System No. 7", PIEEE, 80:4 Apr 1992 pgs 590-606.
  82. "The AXE Transgate, a New Transit Exchange", ER 69:4 1992 pgs 115-123.
  83. "Recommendations for SS7 Reliability" [GTE], TE&M 96:21 Nov 1 1992 pgs 35-38.
  84. "Congestion Controls in SS7 Signaling Networks", ICM 31:6 Jun 1993 pgs 50-57.
  85. "Simulation of SS7 Common Channel Signaling", ICM 32:3 Mar 1994 pgs 52-62.
  86. "Common Channel Signaling Networks: Past, Present, Future", IJSAC 12:3 Apr 1994 pgs 383-394.
  87. "On the Efficacy of Using Transfer-Controlled Procedure During Periods of STP Processor Overload in SS7 Networks", IJSAC 12:3 Apr 1994 pgs 415-423.
  88. "A Control Mechanism to Prevent Correlated Message Arrivals from Degrading Signaling No. 7 Performance", IJSAC 12:3 Apr 1994 pgs 439-445.
  89. "Safe and Effective Error Rate Monitors for SS7 Signaling Links", IJSAC 12:3 Apr 1994 pgs 446-455.
  90. "Error Rate Monitoring Issues for Common Channel Signaling", IJSAC 12:3 Apr 1994 pgs 456-467.
  91. "Assuring SS7 Dependability: A Robustness Characterization of Signaling Network Elements", IJSAC 12:3 Apr 1994 pgs 475-489.
  92. "Congestion and Flow Control in Signaling System No. 7 - Impacts of Intelligent Networks and New Services", IJSAC 12:3 Apr 1994 pgs 501-509.
  93. "Consideration on Common Channel Signaling Evolution for Global Intelligent Networking", IJSAC 12:3 Apr 1994 pgs 510-516.
  94. "Alternatives to Achieve Software Diversity in Common Channel Signaling Networks", IJSAC 12:3 Apr 1994 pgs 533-538.
  95. "Isolating Faulty Routing Tables in SS7 Networks: Present and Future", ICM 34:5 May 1996 pgs 98-104 (includes discussion of MRVT and SRVT).
  96. "Intelligent Networks and the HP OpenCall Technology", HPJ 48:4 Aug 1997.
  97. "The HP OpenCall SS7 Platform", HPJ 48:4 Aug 1997.
  98. "High Availablity of the HP OpenCall SS7 Platform", HPJ 48:4 Aug 1997.

ANSI SS7 Standards

  1. ANSI T1.110-1992
    Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) - General Information.
  2. ANSI T1.111-1996
    Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) - Message Transfer Part (MTP).
  3. ANSI T1.112-1996
    Signalling System Number 7 - Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP).
  4. ANSI T1.113-1995
    Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) - Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) User Part.
  5. ANSI T1.114-1996
    Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) - Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP).
  6. ANSI T1.116-1996
    Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) - Operations, Maintenance, and Administration Part (OMAP).
  7. ANSI T1.118-1992
    Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) - Intermediate Signalling Network Identification (ISNI).
  8. ANSI T1.209a-1995
    Network Tones and Announcements (Application of Tones and Announcements in the SS7 Environment) (Supplement to ANSI T1.209-1989).
  9. ANSI T1.226-1992
    Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning (OAM&P) - Management of Functions for Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) Network Interconnections.
  10. ANSI T1.234-1993
    Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) - MTP Levels 2 and 3 Compatibility Testing.
  11. ANSI T1.235-1993
    Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) - SCCP Class 0 Compatibility Testing.
  12. ANSI T1.236-1993
    Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) - ISDN User Part Compatibility Testing.
  13. ANSI T1.609-1990
    Interworking Between the ISDN User-Network Interface Protocol and the Signalling System Number 7 ISDN User Part.
  14. ANSI T1.611-1991 (R1997)
    Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) - Supplementary Services for Non-ISDN Subscribers.
  15. ANSI T1.631-1993
    Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) - High Probability of Completion (HPC) Network Capability.
  16. ANSI T1.655-1996
    Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) - Upper Layer Security Capability.
  17. ANSI T1.660-1998
    Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) - Call Completion to a Portable Number - Integrated Text.
  18. ANSI T1.661-1997
    Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) - Release to Pivot (RTP).

Web Pages and Websites

  1. Wikipedia article "Signalling System No. 7".
  2. Wikipedia article "Signal Transfer Point".