
(last updated: 16-May-2015 09:31)

Periodical Articles

  1. "Videotex: An Interactive Information System", Telephony 206:1 Jan 2 1984 pgs 90-96.
  2. "Videotex - The Friendly Revolution", TE&M 88:4 Feb 15 1984 pgs 53-55.
  3. "Videotex - Future or Fancy", TE&M 88:4 Feb 15 1984 pgs 82-84.
  4. "Local Packet Transport Planning: Videotex and Beyond", ICM 22:4 Apr 1984 pgs 12-17.
  5. "NAPLPS: A Standard for Drawing and Sending Pictures?", CD Apr 1984 pgs 53-60.
  6. "Videotex in the United States", Telephony 206:17 Apr 23 1984 pgs 38-43.
  7. "Basics of Videotex", TE&M 88:15 Aug 1 1984 pgs 88-90.
  8. "French Videotex Experience", ISS'87 paper A6.1.
  9. "Inter-Videotex Conversion from PRESTEL to CAPTAIN", ICC'87 paper 5.7.
  10. "Consumer Videotex: The Perilous Path", Telephony 214:26 Jun 27 1988 pgs 30, 34.
  11. "Videotex Struggles to Leave Its Stamp on Europe", Telephony 214:26 Jun 27 1988 pgs 44-46.
  12. "Vive Le Minitel", Telephony 215:6 Aug 8 1988 pgs 24-32.
  13. "Yes, Virginia, There is a Future for Videotex", TE&M 94:5 Mar 1 1990 pgs 44-48.


  1. Videotex Standard Presentation Level Protocol, NAPLPS, May 1981, American Telephone and Telegraph Company.